July 10, 2017


We motivate our  Tamiami Kendall After school students to reach and surpass their goals in the classroom

Our After school Kendall Tamiami program runs from 2 pm-6:30 pm, Monday- Friday. Your child will be picked up from school and dropped off to our facility by one of our certified buses. We provide traditional Taekwondo classes to our Tamiami Kendall after school students. Taekwondo has been proven to dramatically help to improve school grades by helping children set goals, focus and discipline themselves. while building their confidence and self-esteem, teach kids caring and respect for others. We provide a supervised, structured certified environment to ensure homework can get done they way parents want.

Wouldn’t it be great to be able to pick up your child at our Tamiami Kendall martial center and have the complete confidence that he/she are in a safe environment , done exercise and has completed his/her homework?  We have a knowledgeable plus well – trained staff that will be helping them with their homework, register them today in the best aftercare in Kendall and you will be able to pick them up with the confidence that you will spend quality family time together with no homework worries.

Tamiami after school caters to our busy, hard working parents. United Martial Arts Kendall Tamiami offer bus services to pick up your child for you. When they arrive at the Kendall martial art school, we assist them with their homework and supervise their progress. We motivate them to reach and surpass their goals in the classroom.

Our Tamiami Kendall aftercare program has everything you and your child need. Transportation from Tamiami Kendall schools, homework assistance, physical activity to gain discipline and confidence!

Youth Empowerment After School Kendall Tamiami

Children are provided a fun and engaging place after school where they find peace and love in a supportive nurturing environment. They discover their hidden talents, build skills and identify their multiple intelligences. There is never a dull moment when kids gain access to their unique and special gifts to share and help change their world.


Improve Reading, Fitness and Social Skills

Core Activities

Homework Help, Reading Development, Fitness/Recreation, Social Skills

Past Outcomes

92% of children increase oral reading fluency, fitness and social skills

After School Kendall Tamiami Program Includes:
•Bus Transportation
•Homework Assistance and Completion
•Martial Arts Classes

Afetr school Kendall

Best After School Kendall


Our Facilities and staff will follow CDC regulations for all our programs, we will provide a Safe environment and follow health regulations regarding limited capacity.

💯We will have 3 great options for our students:

1. Weekly after school and homework assistance
2. Full day care and homework assistance for our Remote Live Instruction students
3. Flexible combined learning option for our students that will have both options at school

💪We are ready to help you! Our Staff is Certified and ready to help your child success in school 👍🏻


Don’t forget that spots on our Program are very limited to guarantee social distancing!

⚠️Every student must have their own device⚠️

Call un and reserve your spot today👇

remote live school assistance kendall

Register or pay your weekly tuition here